
Curso Gratis en español: Gestión del análisis de datos

This one-week course describes the process of analyzing data and how to manage that process. We describe the iterative nature of data analysis and the role of stating a sharp question, exploratory data analysis, inference, formal statistical modeling, interpretation, and communication. In addition, we will describe how to direct analytic activities within a team and to drive the data analysis process towards coherent and useful results.

This is a focused course designed to rapidly get you up to speed on the process of data analysis and how it can be managed. Our goal was to make this as convenient as possible for you without sacrificing any essential content. We’ve left the technical information aside so that you can focus on managing your team and moving it forward.

After completing this course you will know how to….

1. Describe the basic data analysis iteration
2. Identify different types of questions and translate them to specific datasets
3. Describe different types of data pulls
4. Explore datasets to determine if data are appropriate for a given question
5. Direct model building efforts in common data analyses
6. Interpret the results from common data analyses
7. Integrate statistical findings to form coherent data analysis presentations

Commitment: 1 week of study, 4-6 hours

Course cover image by fdecomite. Creative Commons BY

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